ZIIS School has a strong commitment to providing high quality and sustainable education for students. Along with the increasing number of students and operational complexity, ZIIS realises the need for an integrated and efficient learning management system. This system is expected to be able to manage various important aspects of school operations, such as data on students, teachers, homeroom teachers, study groups, school years, classes, subjects, lesson schedules, and extracurricular activities.
In addition, ZIIS also faces challenges in managing exams or school assignments, starting from planning the exam schedule, printing exam cards, determining exam participants, to assessing exam results and making student report cards. All of this requires a system that can simplify the administrative process, ensure data accuracy, and facilitate better communication between the school, teachers, students, and parents.
By implementing a comprehensive learning management system, ZIIS hopes to improve operational efficiency, reduce administrative burden, and provide a better learning experience for students. This system will not only assist ZIIS in maintaining educational standards, but also allow them to adapt to the ever-evolving needs of modern education.
This application was created using codeigniter 3, MySQL 8, and php 7.4 at first, but upgraded so that it can run on the php 8 version. This web application runs perfectly for 300 students at the junior high school level.
This project is an implementation and customisation of a previously available application. It takes a lot of time for debugging because the codeigniter 3 technology is quite behind and the author is not so good at it. If there is time I would like to rebuild this application with Laravel + next js.